Harlingen, Friesland’s only seaport town. Where land and sea meet. A town with two faces. Raw and tough by its illustrious nautical past, the rich industries, and old crafts – no nonsense as we love it. But also soft and warm, with unforgettable views, the rich cultural heritage, and an unprecedented hospitality. Harlingen is both salty and sweet. A town of Naval Heroes and Treasuries. Experience it yourself – and get to know us, fight the elements, and discover new destinations.
Naval Heroes
For adventurers that want to be stimulated by their senses. The ones that would love to taste the salt on their lips, feel the wind going through their hair, and feel the sand in their shoes.
More about the Naval Heroes
For explorers with an eye for detail. A trip through the past in a stunning scenery of warehouses, inner ports, and atmospheric streets and alleys.
More about Treasuries